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What are the New features of python 3.10 | awesome features of python 3.10

Here is a summary of all the major new features of Python 3.10, with a discussion of how they can help your code. 

Whether you're new to Python or just interested in what this latest release has to offer, has tons of documentation on what's new, including a tutorial. 

If you're new to Python and want to learn, check out for a handy beginner's guide to programming and Python. 

With each new version of Python, PSF adds amazing new features that make the language more efficient to write and more accessible to learn.

What Are The New Features Of Python 3.10?


    What Are The New Features Of Python 3.10?

    One of the important factors contributing to its growing popularity is an active developer community that, in addition to supporting users, releases fantastic updates with each new version. 

    Python contributors recently switched to an annual update cycle to introduce new features and improve existing ones.

     So these were some of the key new features introduced in Python 3.10.

     If you're an experienced Python developer, these functions may come in handy.

    1. Structural Pattern Matching(PPE-634)

    Pablo Galindo Salgado
    did a great job compiling a comprehensive list of new features, usages and examples. 

    Python 3.10 development has stabilized, and we can finally test all the new features that will be included in the final release. 

    We'll take a look at some more interesting additions to Python: structural pattern matching, parenthesized context handlers, extra typing capabilities, and new and improved error messages. 

    There aren't a lot of really new major features in Python 3.10, but of the few we have, one -- structural pattern matching -- is probably the most important addition to the language's syntax from sync patterns.

    2. Ability to Match Complex Patterns

    In addition to switch-like functionality, Python 3.10 Structural Pattern Matching offers some additional functionality that makes it even more powerful than the regular conditional switch operator. 

    This feature introduces switch/register-like functionality to Python, as in other programming languages. 

    One of the additional features that make the conditional match/random selection operator in Python 3.10 more powerful than the switch statement in other programming languages ​​is the ability to match complex patterns. 

    There are several syntax options for the pattern matching function, such as using an additional if statement as a defence or class template matching.

    Roy Tech Arena

    Readers can learn about pattern matching with a simple example of matching a subject (data object) with a literal (template) using a switch statement in C, Java, or JavaScript (and many other languages).

     Since previous attempts to add switch/case-like syntax to Python failed, structural pattern matching allows variables to be matched against one of a set of possible values ​​(as switch/case in other languages ​​does). 

    An important feature of this release, however, is structural pattern matching, which was reportedly the result of previous failed attempts to add switch/case-like syntax to Python. 

    Other pattern-matching features in Python 3.10 include classes, literals, and variables, as well as nested patterns that allow you to create complex conditional statements.

    You can also define a specific place for attributes in templates by setting the special __match_argo__ attribute on your classes. 

    If you are using classes to structure your data, you can use the class name followed by a constructor-like argument list as a template.

     The Python input module, used to annoy code with type information, allows you to describe the types of the object being called (such as functions). 

    The typing module now has a special Type Alias ​​value that allows you to declare type aliases.

    4. ParamSpec & Typing.Concatenate

    Add a new function typing.is_typed dict() to check if an annotation is of type typing.TypedDict. 

    To enable real annotation of higher-order functions (like decorators), Python 3.10 added typing.ParamSpec and typing.


    Two new parameters have been added to the input module to improve the information provided to PEP 484 static type controllers such as Callable.

    This is because the new parser included this syntax, even though it wasn't officially supported until Python 3.10.

     It's worth noting that Python's move to a PEG-based parser in Python 3.9 enabled this feature. 

    This was originally part of New Features of Python 3.10, but tools like pedantic struggled to take advantage of typing.get_type_hints() to get types due to Python's scoping rules

    5. New Type Union Operator

    This provides a more concise way to express type X or type Y rather than using union input, especially in type hints. 

    The new type union operator in Python 3.10 also includes an improved type union control syntax to help you write more concise code. 

    In newer versions of Python, you can use | to choose between the two types. 

    Operator instead of union for a simpler solution type.

    6. Better Error Tracking

    New features have been added that can be helpful when debugging your code,

     and more information has been provided for indicating incorrect syntax rather than just providing a "Syntax Error". 

    Messages have become more descriptive and provide more details about the error. 

    With new error messages and improved line numbering, the error message will contain more complete information such as the exact type of error and its exact line number.

    The program will report one or more text files to the console, but with a back line.

     In Python 3.10, you can activate an alert that will notify you when opening a text file without the specified encoding.

    7. Automatic Text Encoding

    Python 3.7 introduced the UTF-8 mode, which allows you to force programs to use UTF-8 encoding regardless of the local encoding. 

    You can enable UTF-8 mode by specifying the -X utf8 command line option on the python executable, or by setting the PYTHONUTF8 environment variable.

    These new Features of Python 3.10 will greatly speed up debugging and reduce the frustration of people who are just starting to learn Python. 

    Finally, Python 3.10 introduces several performance optimizations.

    While there are several new features in the latest development version, the most significant update has to be the syntax of the language, since async. 

    We should see new features and changes like this in every new version of Python for the foreseeable future, which should (1) lead to even more elegant syntax and (2) shock, everyone. 

    Volunteers have been working on the new version since May 2020 to make Python better, faster, and safer.

     Python 3.10 follows the 30th Anniversary of Languages ​​earlier this year in February 2021, and while it doesn't have a long list of new features, 

    the latest version includes a new type of union operator to help developers write code.

    While structural pattern matching can be used in its simplest form, comparing variables to literals in case statements, its real value to Python is in dealing with the type and form of the subject.

    8. Conclusion

    With every new release of Python, the PSF adds incredible new features of Python 3.10 that make the language more efficient to write in and more accessible to learn. Python 3.10
    The release of a new Python version is always worth celebrating. 

    Even if you can’t start using the new features right away, they’ll become broadly available and part of your daily life within a few years.

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