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Influenza A Virus H3N2: Symptoms, Precautions And Prevention


Many people are concerned as H3N2, a subtype of the influenza A virus is spreading quickly throughout India. According to central government authorities, a subtype of the influenza A virus H3N2 has killed two people in the nation. The other fatality was recorded from Karnataka, while one death was confirmed from Haryana. 

90 cases of the flu caused by this virus have reportedly been reported nationwide, according to government sources. In the past, H3N2 has been implicated in a number of influenza outbreaks in the nation. The shift from very cold to mild weather has an impact on the frequency of flu symptoms among people.

Influenza A Virus H3N2

What is an H3N2 virus

Infection of the respiratory system is brought on by the influenza virus. The infection can spread to people.

mammals and birds. It has transformed into numerous strains in birds and other animals.

A subtype of influenza a virus H3N2. According to the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a virus is a significant contributor to human influenza (WHO).

You May Also Like: RSV, Flu and Covid in kids-Signs and Symptoms 

Is there any Link between COVID-19 and the Flu Subtype? ​

According to Dr SK Chhabra, HOD-Pulmonary at Primus Hospital in New Delhi, there is no connection between COVID-19 and influenza because both respiratory illnesses spread similarly. Mild COVID and mild influenza essentially share the same symptoms, except that influenza is more likely to cause a cold, body aches, and headaches. 

Furthermore, there is no evidence that people who have had contact with COVID-19 are more likely to develop influenza; the two infections are independent, distinct illnesses with no connection.

Influenza A Virus H3N2-Symptoms of H3N2

The WHO states that human infections with swine, avian, and other zoonotic influenza can result in illnesses ranging from minor upper respiratory infections (fever and cough) to pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, shock, and even death.  Here in this blog, we will discuss Influenza A Virus H3N2 and its symptoms, preventions and treatments. These are a few of the H3N2 virus' typical symptoms:

  • Chills
  • Coughing
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Throat discomfort or pain
  • A body and muscle discomfort
  • Occasionally, diarrhoea
  • Runny nose and sniffles
Here are the other signs of the H3N2 virus:
  1. The majority of H3N2 virus patients exhibit fever as a symptom. Fever is a physical symptom that indicates your body is attempting to combat and eradicate an outside germ. Foreign microorganisms today are typically influenza viruses.
  2. Another H3N2 symptom that appears very soon after infection but only lasts a short while in the body is coughing. While the other symptoms may go away in 3–4 days, the cough will take longer to go away.
  3. If you catch the H3N2 viral infection, you will undoubtedly experience weariness. Feeling extremely lethargic and worn out is fatigue. It prevents our minds from experiencing weakness, preventing us from recovering from illness.
  4. When the disease's accompanying symptoms are just too uncomfortable for you.
  5. Slowly Your body's muscles begin to ache throughout especially the muscles in your legs and back.
  6. Moreover, throat pain is a complaint among all H3N2-infected patients. If you have this symptom, we advise you to gargle with some warm water.
  7. Take a steam bath with fresh water if you have breathing problems or a sensation in your nasal cavity.

It is crucial to contact a doctor if a patient has trouble breathing, chest pain or discomfort, a persistent fever, or pain in the throat while swallowing food.

How does the infection spread?

Droplets of the highly contagious H3N2 influenza can be released from one person to another when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. The infection may also spread if a person touches their mouth or nose after coming into contact with a surface that has the virus on it. The risk of complications from the flu is increased among pregnant women, young children, older adults, and people with underlying medical conditions.

H3N2 Precautionary Measures 

Given that the virus affects the respiratory system, it is crucial to:

Using a pulse oximeter, continue to monitor the oxygen level.

A trip to the doctor is required if the oxygen saturation level is less than 95%.

If the oxygen saturation is less than 90%, intensive care may be necessary.

In these situations, experts advise against using self-medication.

Treatment for H3N2 Virus

Getting enough rest, consuming a lot of water, and lowering fever with over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen are all part of the H3N2 influenza treatment. If a patient has severe symptoms or is at a high risk of problems, a doctor may also advise antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir and Virus zanamivir.

WHO recommends that neuraminidase inhibitors are prescribed as soon as feasible (preferably, within 48 hours of symptom start) in suspected and confirmed cases to maximise therapeutic benefits.

Don'ts and Dos

The virus can quickly spread from infected individuals to humans. Therefore, according to specialists, it is crucial to adhere to specific rules:

#Wash your hands frequently with water and soap.

#Avoid crowded areas and wear face masks areas

#Do not touch your mouth or nose.

#When sneezing and coughing, adequately shield your mouth and nose.

#Keep hydrated and drink plenty of liquids.

#Paracetamol should be used for aches and pains and fevers. 

Also, they recommend avoiding:

Many people are concerned H3N2, a subtype of influenza virus H3N2, is spreading quickly throughout India.
According to central government authorities, the H3N2 subtype of the influenza A virus has killed two people in the nation. The other fatality was recorded from Karnataka, while one death was confirmed from Haryana. 90 cases of the flu caused by this virus have reportedly been reported nationwide, according to government sources. In the past, H3N2 has been implicated in a number of influenza outbreaks in the nation. The shift from very cold to mild weather has an impact on the frequency of flu symptoms among people.
  • Faeces in public places
  • Using handshakes and other contact-based greetings
  • Using antibiotics or any other drugs without first seeking medical advice
  • Eating adjacent to other persons while seated
  • Send in a remark
However, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has advised doctors to refrain from prescribing antibiotics to patients prior to verifying whether the infection is bacterial because doing so can lead to the development of resistance. Currently, influenza, which doesn't require antibiotics, is the most common cause of fever, cough, sore throat, and body pains.

H3N2 Infection Risk Factors

Influenza A Virus H3N2

There are some high-risk groups that are more exposed than others. It is advised to exercise caution if you or someone you care about is in one of these groups:

  1. Pregnant mothers
  2. Children under the age of five
  3. People in their 80s
  4. Those with long-term medical issues (pulmonary, chronic heart, kidney, metabolic, liver, hepatic, and neurological disorders.
  5. Those who are receiving steroids, chemotherapy, or who have immunosuppressive diseases like AIDS or HIV.
  6. Healthcare professionals who are frequently in contact with patients are more likely to distribute it to weaker people.

H3N2 Influenza Recent Cases: 

According to the authorities, two persons have passed away from the H3N2 virus-caused influenza. In Haryana, one individual passed away, while in Karnataka, another. According to reports, Hassan, Karnataka, saw the first H3N2 death of an 82-year-old male. Rent Gowda was admitted to the hospital on February 24 and passed away on March 1, according to the authorities. It was said that he had high blood pressure and was diabetic.
There have been about 90 cases of the H3N2 virus in the nation. 
Moreover, eight additional H1N1 virus cases have been found. In recent years, Flu cases have been rising nationwide during the past few months. The H3N2 virus, sometimes referred to as the "Hong Kong flu," is the main source of infections. Compared to other influenza subtypes in the nation, this virus is more likely to result in hospitalisations.
H3N2 and H1N1 infections have been found in India thus far:

Both exhibit signs of the Covid virus, which has killed 68 lakh people and infected millions of people globally. Rising flu diagnoses two years after the outbreak have caused individuals to express concern. Constant coughing, a fever, chills, shortness of breath, and wheezing are some symptoms. Individuals have reported experiencing diarrhoea, body aches, sore throats, and nausea. These symptoms may persist for a week or so.
According to specialists, the virus can spread through snow sneezing, coughing and class contact with an infected person and it is highly contagious. 
Physicians have urged taking precautions similar to those recommended by Covid, such as frequently washing hands and donning masks. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) advises drinking lots of water, avoiding touching your eyes or nose, and covering your mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing.

Together with those who have weaker immune systems for high-risk groups including older adults and small children, the infection can be dangerous because of persistent medical issues that affect their immune systems.

India Registers the First Deaths of H3N2

Today, the authorities announced that two people had died from influenza caused by the H3N2 virus. Two persons have passed away in the states of Haryana and Karnataka.


In densely populated areas, seasonal influenza, particularly influenza a virus H3N2, can be challenging to contain if the populace does not constantly practice adequate respiratory hygiene. Be immunised annually to maintain the vaccine's maximum degree of efficacy and reduce your risk of infection. Educating your family, friends, coworkers, and educational institution about the dos and don'ts will also assist safeguard others.


The information in this piece is solely guidance and general knowledge. It is in no way a replacement for expert medical advice. Please seek further information from a professional or your doctor. Since everyone has different needs, readers should consult with their doctor to know whether the information is suitable for their circumstances. 


Q1. How many H3N2 cases are in India?
Ans: So far, 3,038 cases of this type have been reported in India, data from the Integrated Disease Surveillance Project reveals. This includes 486 cases in March and 1,245 cases each in January, February, and March. It is important to remember that H3N2 has been recorded in the past, thus this outbreak is not brand-new.

Q2. What was the mortality of H3N2?
Ans: Around 100,000 people in the United States and 1 million people globally were thought to have died.

Q3. How long does H3N2 flu last?
Ans: The H3N2 virus is treated with the antiviral medication oseltamivir in both children and adults. You must take it precisely as prescribed by your doctor. The majority of instances are self-limiting, and patients recover within five to seven days of getting sick.

Q4. Is H3N2 airborne?
Ans: Moreover, the mutant H3N2 virus displayed reduced airborne transmission in the ferret model but replicated to greater titers in cell culture. These findings show that similar to H1N1, the pH of fusion for H3N2 HA determines the effectiveness of airborne transmission.

Q5. How to cure the H3N2 virus?

Ans: When someone experiences symptoms, doctors advise getting plenty of rest and consuming a lot of water to speed recovery. As part of the H3N2 influenza treatment plan, doctors advise patients to take medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce fever. 2

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