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Yoga Asanas for Male Fertility-How does Yoga Increase Fertility?


#Yoga asanas and pranayam manage male infertility
#Yoga asanas for male fertility
# How does yoga increase fertility?
# Causes of infertility
# How does yoga increase fertility?
# How is yoga beneficial?
# Conclusion

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline where you can learn to integrate your mind and body. By raising male sperm counts through the following methods, yoga for male infertility promotes fertility health. Postures, or asanas, help to increase blood flow and tone your physical body. The health of the sperm depends on proper blood circulation. In this post, we are going to discuss various yoga asanas for male fertility in detail. 

Yoga Asanas for Male Fertility
                Yoga Asanas for Male Fertility

Stress can be reduced and a calm state of mind can be attained through pranayama or mindful breathing methods. 70% of male infertility is brought on by stress. You can improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being by meditating. This has a favourable impact on sperm production and mobility.

How Yoga, Asanas and Pranayama can help in Managing Male Infertility

According to yoga master Kamini Bobde, yoga can help since it affects the pituitary, and pineal gland secretions, hormonal imbalance, or disease in which your immune system attacks your own sperm.

From the baby boom to negative population growth, we have completed the circle, with affluence around the world trending in the opposite direction of reproduction. Hence, all developed nations have low fertility rates, while Africa and Afghanistan have high fertility rates. Infertility rates are rising for both men and women in urban areas of the world, where 48.5 million couples struggle to conceive. There has been a five to ten per cent increase in assisted reproductive technology (ART) usage.

Let's examine male infertility, which results from abnormal semen, immature semen, or abnormal semen. not able to swim far enough to reach the egg and fertilise it. Other causes include premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. There is no proof that some issues with infertility are caused by stress, anxiety, lifestyle choices, lack of sleep, excessive alcohol and marijuana use, excessive smoking, and radiation from technology devices.

Research has shown that exposure to the EMR emitted by mobile phones lowered motility, caused structural abnormalities, and raised oxidative stress in human and animal spermatozoa. EMR may impact male fertility primarily through two mechanisms: scrotal heat and increased oxidative stress. These detrimental outcomes, though, seem to be related to how long people use their phones. Electronic device use done responsibly is safe. It is the overuse that could be harmful.

Yoga affects the pituitary, and pineal gland secretions causing hormonal imbalance and disorder in which your immune system attacks your own sperm, which is why it can help to fix the issue. Yoga is excellent at regulating immune system failure by stimulating the pituitary and pineal glands (Shambhavi mudra).

(all the asanas and pranayama mentioned here). Furthermore, it is now undeniably proven that yoga relaxation techniques like Shavasana and Yoga Nidra reduce daily stress and strengthen willpower when practised with a positive Sankalpa (resolve). This is crucial since, in addition to causing infertility, stress also exacerbates worry, stress, and emotional issues in a couple's relationship.

Must read: Are you wondering if yoga can help with infertility?

Yoga Asanas for Male Fertility-How does Yoga Increase Fertility?

Male yoga practises focus on strengthening the reproductive organs through pelvic and floor-based asanas, bandhas, and mudras that have a direct effect on the lower genital system. Let's talk about yoga asanas for male fertility and how yoga increases fertility. 

1. Asanas for sitting down

    1.1 Gulf Chakrasana, (Hip joint rotation)
    1.2. Poorna Titali asana and Ardha            Titliasana  ( Flapping both knees like wings of a butterfly in z sitting position)
    1.3. Forward bending asana (yoga mudra asana)
    1.4. Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
    1.5. Shoulder pose Kandharasana
    1.6. Marjari asana: Relaxing and curving the spine in the manner of a cat.
    1.7. Paschimottanasana: The pose for stretching the spine
    1.8. Gatyatmak meru Vakrasana: Active spinal flexion

2. Asana for lying down:

    2.1. Pada Sanchalana, the bicycle pose
    2.2. Pawan muktasana: the gas-releasing        pose
    2.3. Udarkarshasana: The pose of body twisting

3. Standing Posture:

    3.1. Tadasana: A full-body stretch that resembles a palm tree
    3.2. The double-angle pose, Dwikonasana
    3.3. Trikonasana: The pose of three angles
    3.4. Sun salutation (Surya namaskar)
    3.5. The dead body pose, or Shav asana ( relaxation practice)
    3.6. Yoga Nidra: Psychic sleep, initially done once per week.

4. Mudra techniques:

    4.1. Ashwini mudra: Squeeze the anus muscles like a horse, alternately tightening and then relaxing them.
    4.2. Moolbandha: As you breathe in, tighten the area around your perineum and hold your breath as long as you can before letting go of both the bandha and the breath.
    4.3. Mahabandha: Locking the three Granthis, the perineum centre, the abdomen, and the throat with an exhalation and hold the bandhas for as long as you can.
    4.4. Eyebrow centre gazing in the Shambhavi Mudra
    4.5. Khechari mudra: Touching the throat area deeply with the tongue folded back.

5. Yoga Asanas for Male Fertility

    5.1. Kapalbhati: a vigorous exhale
    5.2. Bhastrika: vigorous breathing in and out
    5.3. Alternate nostril breathing with Anulom Vilom
    5.4. Holding your breath after an inhalation or after an exhalation while using a Kumbhak.
    5.5. Bhramari: Activating the brain's vibrational system
    5.6. Chanting Om 11 times and making the Shambhavi mudra

Nuts like almonds, walnut, pasta, figs, and apricots, as well as protein-rich foods like organic eggs, fish, and sprouts, are among the foods that are very beneficial for males. Ghee is also beneficial. 

Fresh produce contains prana shakti, or life force. Instead of storing them cooked or uncooked in the refrigerator, eat them as is. And then get some rest.

Health professionals claim that stress and worry have a tendency to destabilise the system. Yoga is useful to practice to help you rectify this, increase fertility, and increase your chances of conception.

Yoga is a helpful practice to improve fertility and increase your chances of conception. According to health and fitness experts, the most important way to increase fertility is to reduce stress. 

Stress and anxiety have a tendency to upset the body's natural balance. For people with depression, sleeplessness, eating disorders, and other stress-related issues, yoga is advised as a helpful treatment.

Himalayan Siddha Akshar stated in an interview with HT Lifestyle that "Yoga in essence modifies the neural pathways, which rewires the brain. You need to do this if you want to lead a happier and healthier life. Further to asanas that increase fertility, Yoni Mudra, Linga Mudra, and Prana Mudra can be used. 

Kapal Bhati's breathing exercises are also regarded as an efficient method to boost your fertility He described the several yoga poses that promote conception.

#1. Seated Forward Bending Pose, Paschimottanasana

Approach: Start with Dandasana.Make sure your legs are extended forward and slightly bent at the knees. While you raise your arms, maintain a straight spine. When you exhale, let the air out of your tummy.  

Yoga asanas for male fertility

Bending at the hips, rest your upper body on your lower body as you exhale. Put your fingertips on your big toes while lowering your arms. Strive to put your nose so close to your knees. Retain the position for some time.

2. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Yoga asanas for male fertility

Starting position: Lie on your stomach. Kneel down and take a firm hold of your ankles with your palms.  Have a firm grasp. As high as you are able, extend your arms and legs. Hold the position while looking up for a while.

3. Wheel pose in Chakrasana

How to: Lay on your back. Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground while folding your legs at the knees. Your palms should be facing the sky when you flex your arms at the elbows. While placing your hands on the ground on either side of your head, rotate your arms at the shoulders. 

Yoga asanas for male fertility

Take a big breath in, clench your legs and palms together, and raise your entire body in an arch. Let your head softly droop behind you as you look back and relax your neck. Your body weight should be properly distributed throughout your four limbs.

4. Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)

Technique: Lay on your back with your arms by your side. Slowly raise your legs off the ground so that they are parallel to the ground and your feet are facing the sky. Off the floor, slowly raise your pelvis and back. 

Yoga asanas for male fertility

For support, place your palms on your back. Include some shoulder, torso, pelvic, leg, and foot alignment. Direct your attention to your feet.

5. The plough pose (Halasana)

How to: Lay on your back. Beside your body, place your palms on the ground. Lift your legs 90 degrees up using your core muscles. Let your legs reposition themselves behind your head as you firmly plant your palms on the ground. 

Yoga asanas for male fertility

Let your lower back and middle rise off the ground so that your toes can rest on the ground. Get your chest as near as you can to your chin. Depending on your level of comfort, bend the arms and support the back with your palms.

Yoga Mudras:

Yoga asanas for male fertility

#Yoni Mudra

Any stable seated position where the spine may remain straight, such as sukhasana (easy pose) or padmasana (lotus pose), is appropriate for Yoni Mudra, also known as the Womb Gesture. Place the hands on your lap. The middle, ring, and little fingers should be interlocked. Thumbs and index fingers should be pressed together. Form a diamond shape by spreading the thumbs and index fingers apart.

#Linga Mudra

Linga Mudra is connected to the male phallus and is used in conjunction with asanas for meditation. The initial kind of yogic hand motion is this one. 

The hands should be interlocked in this mudra, but the left thumb should remain upright and facing upward. Linga Mudra can be performed anywhere, at any time.

Regular yoga practice can elevate your mood and balance both your hormones and your emotions. The brain releases hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins as a result of this. Yoga is believed to promote relaxation and lower levels of tension and anxiety.

How does yoga increase fertility?

Yoga poses improve flexibility and maintain physical fitness. Pranayamas increase oxygenation while lowering tension and anxiety. Kriyas purify and detoxify the body. Meditation aids in achieving mental clarity and peace. So, you have learnt that yoga asanas are beneficial for increasing male fertility. These are all necessary conditions to increase fertility.

Causes of Infertility

Nowadays, couples place a lot of importance on their individual professional achievements. As a result, stress and health issues are getting worse by the day.

One of the most frequently experienced problems is infertility by instability in lifestyle and stress. Several couples still lament their inability to conceive despite ongoing efforts and medical support. 

Couples who are infertile experience emotional, physical, and psychological pain. Even then, infertility is still given little attention and is still ignored.

How is yoga beneficial?

The ancient holistic healing system known as yoga has gained increasing popularity in recent years. Yoga can help a couple feel healthy by achieving an emotional, physical, and mental balance. Moreover, initiatives are being undertaken to incorporate yoga to treat and prevent infertility.

Yoga for fertility is not a new form of yoga or a new fad. It combines various asana, kriya, meditation, and pranayama sequences to increase the likelihood of conception and pregnancy by easing stress and ridding the body of impurities.


These are the best yoga asanas for male fertility that a guy must consistently practise increasing fertility. You should also speak with a reproductive specialist about your issues in addition to starting this beneficial yoga exercise. Have a proactive attitude towards your health to prevent the signs of infertility from getting worse over time.


Q1. Is yoga good for male fertility?

Ans: If you have problems with sperm count or motility, you can increase the quality of your sperm by establishing a regular yoga practice. Yoga has also been shown to be very beneficial for prostate health, preventing problems of the prostate, and shrinking enlarged prostates.

Q2. Which yoga is best for men?

Ans: Canine at the wall, half-down. Walk backwards such that your body creates a straight angle with your hips precisely above your heels while placing your palms on the wall at hip height.

Eye of the needle pose, bridge pose with blocks, locust pose, wide angle pose with blocks, etc.

The belt stretches the hamstrings.

Q3. How can I increase my husband's fertility?

Ans: Maintain a healthy weight to increase your ability to produce healthy sperm. According to several research, as body mass index (BMI) increases, sperm motility and count both decreases.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Control STIs (sexually transmitted illnesses).

Move to release your tension.

Q4. What fruit produce sperm fast?

Ans: A Miracle Food Filled With Antioxidants To Boost Sperm Count and Motility Is Blueberries. Blueberries are a fruit you should definitely think about including in your diet to help enhance sperm count and motility because they are low in calories and filled with antioxidants.

Q5. Which hand is Mudra for sperm?

Ans: A Hatha Yoga Mudra called the Vajroli Mudra calls for the Yogin, or practitioner, to hold onto his semen or refrain from ejaculating. Vajroli Mudra is renowned for promoting healthy reproductive systems, preserving sexual fluids, and maintaining youthful semen even in elderly people.

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