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A Rise in Blood Sugar Levels Means No Diabetes



What is actually Diabetes? || A Rise in Blood Sugar Levels Means No Diabetes-A Shocking Revelation || Blood Sugar Tests|| Why are test results used? || What is Insulin Receptor? || What is C-Peptide Test? || Where does C-Peptide Originate? || How Can You Take This Test? || What is HOMA-IR? || What it is and why you should be aware of your HOMA-IR? || Which has the most Role in Diabetes? || Conclusion || FAQ

90% of people without diabetes are taking drugs or insulin. According to Dr S. Kumar, renowned scientist and founder of Appropriate Diet Therapy Centre, you do not have diabetes, never had it and never will. The absence of insulin and pancreatic dysfunction are typically signs of sugar. In this post, we are going to discuss that a rise in blood sugar levels does not mean diabetes. 

Due to improper sugar testing, an increase in sugar is not a sign of diabetes. You guessed you had sugar.  Despite the fact that you have not seen the ghost, you assumed there is one in the street. Patients with diabetes experience the same issue, and both the medical and educational systems are to blame. 

A Rise in Blood Sugar Levels

What is actually Diabetes? 

If your blood sugar level is too high, you likely have diabetes. Your body's primary source of energy is blood glucose, which is derived from the food you eat. The hormone insulin is produced by the pancreas, which facilitates the easier absorption of glucose from food by your cells for use as fuel. when your body either produces too little, or too much or improperly uses insulin. Following that, glucose doesn't enter your cells and instead stays in your bloodstream. Over time, health problems could result from having too much glucose in the blood. Although there is no cure for diabetes, you can control it and maintain your health.

Diabetes is sometimes referred to as "borderline diabetes" or "a touch of sugar." It

Despite the reality that all cases of diabetes are serious, it is indicated by these expressions that someone doesn't have diabetes or has a mildly severe case.

A Rise in Blood Sugar Levels Means No Diabetes-A Shocking Revelation

An increase in sugar is not a sign of diabetes; sugar will continue to accumulate in your body because sugar provides us with energy. We should utilise this sugar because if we don't, it will continue to rise. We will discuss here a rise in blood sugar levels does not mean you have diabetes. 

Although we cannot halt the production of sugar, we can surely control it, and the insulin receptor is responsible for this control. Similar to this, there are several tiny holes in our bodies that are known as insulin receptors, and these insulin receptors regulate the elevated sugar levels in our bodies. They emerge, and because the patient's insulin receptor is frequently blocked, the level of sugar remains balanced. As a result, the patient uses less sugar.

Despite the fact that the body's sugar levels rise, diabetes cannot be said to be a result of this. If a person's body is making adequate insulin, has insulin sensitivity, Vita Cell is normal, and their C-Peptide is between 0.8 and 3.75, then they should not believe that they have sugar, even if their sugar level has grown.

You May Like to Read: Diabetes: Everything You should know about this chronic & Complicated disease

A Shocking Revelation

The well-known scientist Dr S. Kumar, who has also received the Bharat Gaurav Award for his significant contributions, makes a miraculous revelation and asserts that by activating the insulin receptor, blood sugar levels would drop and you will be in perfect health.

Ironically, even the so-called doctors in our nation are unable to provide patients with accurate information or advice regarding the proper tests to be performed. Every time a patient with diabetes visits the doctor, he scares them more than inspires them. The diabetes experts and the medical persons are advising you to watch your diet, abstain from certain foods, take your prescribed medications, relax, and avoid stress if you don't want to damage your kidneys or get diabetes and have to live with it for the rest of your life. Only via the proper diet therapy and testing can you escape the sugar trap and come to the conclusion that you are not a patient of sugar, according to S. Kumar's extraordinary attempts to inform us about sugar. You claim that you never had sugar, don't have any now, and never will.
  According to Dr Kumar, educated individuals only use 3% of their brains; if they use a bit more brain than this, they will understand and awareness will also increase so that whether we have diabetes or not, we can receive the right information about it.

There are 55 Doctor Kumar branches across the nation, and each location's helpline numbers are available, so you may get in touch with them.
After the exam is completed, take your report and meet him. You can also call him and receive the proper information.
  By calling Doctor Kumar directly at his toll-free number in India, 09372166486, we can learn more about our health and diabetes as well as the results of the test.

Blood Sugar Tests

Anyone who thinks they have sugar:

 Performing the following tests is crucial.

  1.  Insulin sensitivity:  Whether the body is producing insulin correctly or not. 
  2.  Beta Cell Function: Whether beta cells are developing correctly or not.
  3.   C-peptide examination (should be from 0.8 to 3.75) When it is 0.8, science has the right to declare that you have diabetes; otherwise, neither science nor any doctor has the authority to declare that you have high blood sugar.
  4.   A haemoglobin A1c test
  5.   A fasting sugar test
  6.   Post Lunch Blood Sugar Test

 All these 6 tests are only available in Appropriate Diet Therapy Centre. 

You cannot accurately be diagnosed with diabetes with a homo-IR test

 These tests are mentioned in medical literature as well, but no doctor informs patients accurately about them, nor do we recommend that they have the tests performed. Additionally, no lab has the necessary equipment to perform these tests quickly, so patients are unaware of them. You are ignorant.

Why are test results used?

To distinguish between insulin that is made by the body and insulin that is injected into the body, C-peptide is tested. A person with type 1 or type 2 diabetes might have their C-peptide level checked to see if their body is still manufacturing insulin. 

What is Insulin Receptor?

Insulin-sensitive cells' plasma membranes include the insulin receptor, a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase. (e.g., adipocytes, myocytes, hepatocytes). It mediates how insulin affects certain cellular reactions(e.g., glucose transport, glycogen synthesis, lipid synthesis, and protein synthesis).

What is C-Peptide Test? 

How Does the C-Peptide Test Work?
The C-peptide test is used by your doctor to identify if you have type 1 diabetes, in which case your immune system attacks and destroys pancreatic cells, or type 2 diabetes, in which case your body doesn't use insulin as effectively as it should. It displays the efficiency of the insulin production in your body, which carries glucose (also known as "sugar") from the blood into your cells.

Your doctor may use the test to determine whether you need to take insulin to manage your condition.

A Rise in Blood Sugar Level

Where does C-Peptide Originate? 

Beta cells in your pancreas produce insulin. These cells also emit C-peptides during that process.

Your blood sugar is not actually affected by this chemical. But to determine how much insulin you're producing, your doctor can measure the level of it.

How Can You Take This Test?

Although it can provide a reading to aid in treating diabetes, doctors don't use it to actually diagnose the condition.

Because only insulin produced by your pancreas is linked to C-peptide, it can distinguish between the insulin your body produces and the insulin you take.

The C-peptide test could be given to you:

You may check if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes here.
Your doctor needs to know how much insulin your pancreas is still producing if you have type 1 diabetes.
to determine if a type 2 diabetic patient needs to start taking insulin.
to determine the cause of your low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
To identify a pancreatic tumour that produces insulin, known as an insulinoma if your pancreas has been removed.

Typical Range

Fasting blood C-peptide levels should be between 0.8 and 3.85 ng/mL, or 0.26 and 1.27 nmol/L (260 and 1270 pmol/L), respectively. Labs may use different ranges.

Levels below 0.6 ng/mL (0.2 nmol/L) are indicative of type 1 diabetes and potential beta cell dysfunction [2, 1].

In healthy individuals, blood levels will rise to approximately 3–9 ng/mL (1–3 nmol/L or 3000–9000 pmol/L) after a meal. Postprandial C-peptide is the name of this measurement [1, 2].0

What is HOMA-IR?

Type 2 diabetes and other illnesses like hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, and cancer are all made possible by insulin resistance.  

Interestingly, individuals with normal blood sugar levels may yet have insulin resistance. This is precisely where HOMA IR can be of assistance. This examination determines how insulin-resistant your cells are. Even if your blood sugar levels are within normal ranges, insulin resistance suggests that a blood sugar increase may occur in the future. This is how the HOMA-IR goes above and beyond a standard blood sugar test, which can simply monitor your blood sugar level and cannot identify any problems before high blood sugar levels become a problem.    

HOMA IR on the other hand, will sound the alarms as soon as it detects even a tiny amount of insulin resistance in the pre-diabetes stage, allowing you to take the required precautions to stop a full-blown attack of diabetes.

What it is and why you should be aware of your HOMA-IR? 

20 September 2016 Richard Maurer, M.D.Health Conditions, Calipers, and Blood Tests

Insulin x Glucose = 405 in HOMA-IR, The Insulin Resistance Calculation

Here you can find a HOMA-IR calculator and convert it to SI units.

The ideal range is 1.0 (0.5–1.4)

The ideal level of insulin sensitivity is less than 1.0.

Early insulin resistance is indicated by a value above 1.9.

Insulin resistance that is significant is above 2.9.

For instance:

Early insulin resistance is indicated by a fasting insulin level that is on the high side, such as 10 uIU/mL, and a fasting glucose level that is also on the high side, such as 100 mg/dL. 100 x 10 = 1000÷ 405 = 2.5 (approximately). 

This examination measures beta cell health and insulin resistance. (of the pancreas). Numerous diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, PCOS, etc., exhibit signs of insulin resistance. Reduced insulin sensitivity results in increased liver glucose production, decreased glycogen synthesis and decreased glucose absorption by fat and muscle. The algorithm for calculating HOMA uses fasting blood glucose and insulin levels. ( In case the patient is a diabetic and is on insulin, c-peptide is required). HOMA has the advantage of being less invasive than other tests like the OGTT, which requires taking blood five times. 

Which has the most Role in Diabetes? 

Edible oil has the most role in diabetes

The smoke that comes out of the oil, for the common man is just smoke but it contains 5-6 chemical substances which are very dangerous.

The cells in the human body have small pores, which are called insulin receptors, they make small layers in them and the insulin receptors are closed and sugar does not come out, as a result of which sugar is released in the body.  quantity goes up

It is necessary to use edible oil which is smokeless.

Alfagardeo oil should be used because it does not smoke due to its low smoke point.

There are more than a hundred trillion cells inside our body and there are ten thousand receptors inside a cell. Receptors should be opened so that the balance of sugar remains and can be free from so-called diabetes.


Diabetes is not a disease but a symptom, according to Dr S. Kumar, a diabetic patient can be completely cured without medicines only with the help of diet therapy and anti-oxidants. We have discussed Dr S. Kumar's shocking revelation that a rise in blood sugar levels does not mean diabetes. 

Lakhs of patients have been freed from diabetes because they had no diabetes though they had been taking regular medicines and insulin. The Scientist and researcher Dr S. Kumar won over diabetes. Dr Kumar said that he has not found even a single patient who has diabetes among the lakhs of patients who met him in his clinic as a diabetic patient with test reports. According to him, diabetes does not exist as a disease. It is only a symptom of diabetes. 


The information in this article shouldn't be used in place of consulting a doctor for a diagnosis or treatment. You shouldn't rely on the information on this website for personalized medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, speak with your doctor or call the toll-free number given above. 


Q1. Does a rise in blood sugar levels mean diabetes?

Ans: No, according to the scientist and researcher, Dr S. Kumar, a rise in blood sugar levels does not mean diabetes. A rise in blood sugar levels is a normal procedure. It cannot be stopped. It provides us with the fuel for our bodies. Even science has no right to confirm diabetes. 

Q2. Is it normal for blood sugar to rise?

Ans: Blood sugar level rises every time you eat

After eating a meal or snack, your blood sugar level rises immediately. It is a normal procedure as our body needs energy. In a healthy person, insulin then starts working, and the blood sugar level returns to the pre-meal level 2 hours after eating.

 Q3. How can it confirm that you have diabetes? 

Ans: If insulin forms in your body and beta cells function well, your pancreas work normally, then you have no diabetes. But it can be confirmed only after the following 6 tests:
  1.   A haemoglobin A1c test
  2.   A fasting sugar test
  3.   Post Lunch Blood Sugar Test
  4.   Insulin sensitivity
  5.   C-peptide test
  6.   Beta cell function. 
Q4. Can I have high blood sugar and not be diabetic?

Ans: Nondiabetic hyperglycemia refers to a high blood sugar level despite the absence of diabetes. During a serious sickness or injury, hyperglycemia can strike suddenly. Alternately, hyperglycemia may last for a longer time and be brought on by a chronic illness. (diabetes type I or II).

Q5. Should I worry about blood sugar if I don't have diabetes?

Ans: There is often no need to monitor your blood sugar levels if you do not have diabetes, according to experts. A healthy lifestyle and balanced eating habits, however, can help you maintain normal blood sugar levels if you're worried about them.

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