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Magical Malasana Benefits for Women | Garland Pose Yoga Bliss


You can stay healthy, calm, joyful, and productive throughout the day by practising yoga at home. I'll talk here about malasana benefits for women and how to do it step-wise.

Malasana, also known as the Garland Pose or Yoga Squat, is a powerful yoga asana that offers many benefits for both the body and mind. Engaging in Malasana involves a deep squat with feet close together and heels grounded, promoting flexibility, strength, and balance.

Amazing Malasana Benefits for Women


This grounding posture activates the core, tones the lower body, and enhances hip flexibility. The active engagement of the pelvic floor muscles in Malasana not only improves reproductive health but also stimulates digestion and alleviates discomfort associated with bloating.

Malasana Benefits for Women-Garland Pose Yoga Bliss

Malasana has several benefits. You will learn some magical malasana benefits for women in this article. Practice malasana by establishing a mindful connection between movement and breath with clarity and mental focus. Regular practice of this pose opens up the hips and increases ankle mobility. 

Besides physical benefits, malasana advocates introspection. It creates a harmonious balance between spiritual and physical well-being for a balanced lifestyle and healthy life. Let's explore some of the benefits of garland pose or malasana :

Malasana Benefits for Irregular Periods

Nowadays many girls have period-related problems due to food, environment, unhealthy lifestyles, and stress. These things affect the periods badly. Irregular periods are responsible for PCOS problems. Malasana improves blood flow to the pelvic area. It can help regulate the menstrual cycle by supporting the reproductive organs. The endocrine system can be stimulated by malasana. This can help hormonal balances which can affect periods regularly.

Irregular periods can be cured by a healthy lifestyle and yoga asanas. Periods not coming regularly can also cause thyroid. Asana like malasana or garland pose is a good way to treat this problem completely.

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Malasana  Benefits for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) 

PCOS occurs in women and is caused by hormonal abnormalities. Some of the most common symptoms of PCOS are stress, anxiety, obesity, hormone imbalance, and other mood-related problems. The malasana asana may improve productivity, well-being and relaxation, and help reduce hormonal imbalance.

Amazing Malasana Benefits for Women

Malasana Benefits for Urinary Incontinence in Women

Urinary incontinence is an inability to control urine leakage. According to a study on women with urinary incontinence examination, six weeks of yoga therapy by Alison et al in 2014, showed that Malasana can improve urinary incontinence in middle-aged and older women.

Alison's study observed that malasana enhances lower body balance and strength. It improves autonomic nervous system dysfunction for better urine control. Malasana also help manage urinary tract infections in women.

Regular practice of Malasana can bring many health benefits to women's wellness.

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Malasana Benefits for Flexibility Improvement:

Malasana, commonly known as the yoga squat, actively engages the hip, ankle, and groin muscles, enhancing overall flexibility. Regular practice encourages a gradual increase in range of motion, contributing to improved joint health.

Malasana Benefits for Strengthening Lower Body:

Malasana requires the activation of the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles. This results in a robust lower body, fostering stability and resilience. The pose serves as an effective means to tone and strengthen these muscle groups.

Malasana Benefits for Enhancing Digestion

The deep squatting position assumed in Malasana facilitates the compression of the abdominal organs, promoting digestion and aiding in detoxification. This can alleviate issues like bloating and constipation.

Malasana Benefits for Opening Hips and Groin

Malasana is renowned for its ability to open up the hips and groin region. It helps stretch the area of the inner thighs and hips. It also stretches the lower body. Regular practice of malasana may also relieve tension from the neck and thigh region, making it especially beneficial for individuals with sedentary lifestyles.

Malasana Benefits for the Spine Muscles 

You must keep your spine or back straight while performing the malasana. It helps enhance spinal column flexibility, reducing your lower back pain. It also corrects your posture. Malasana can cause side effects. 

So depend on something other than this asana. You must consult your doctor for proper therapy for the relief of your back pain. Always practice malasana under the guidance of a yoga trainer.

By encouraging an upright and elongated spine, Malasana aids in postural improvement. The pose counters the effects of prolonged sitting, fostering a more aligned and balanced posture over time.

Malasana Benefits for Mind-Body Connection

Malasana can help calm the central nervous system. It may improve concentration, focus and balance which helps reduce your stress.

Engaging in the intentional and mindful practice of Malasana fosters a strong mind-body connection. The focus required to maintain balance in this pose promotes mental clarity and concentration.

Malasana Benefits for Constipation 

The Malasana yoga position enhances flexibility in the lower body and stomach and helps to improve intestinal function. It supports the natural elimination of waste products from the body. So it is very beneficial to alleviate constipation.

Malasana Benefits for Metabolic Syndrome 

Metabolic syndrome or Met S is a kind of disorder that is connected to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In 2017, Supriya et al found that proinflammatory adipokines can be reduced by practicing malasana. Adipocytes produce adipokines which are essentially associated with blood pressure management.

Adipokine balance is called the regulator of metabolic syndrome and is very necessary.

Malasana helps manage metabolic syndrome as well as high blood pressure and diabetes

Remember to get medical advice from your doctor and practice malasana under the supervision of your yoga expert.

Amazing Malasana Benefits for Women

How to Practice Malasana?

Steps to practice Malasana 

  • # Step1: Start standing, feet wider than hips, toes pointed out. Sit on the mat or the ground.
  • # Step 2: Come into a  squat position by bending your knees, lower hips toward your heels, and lift your heels down or up.
  • # Step 3: Fold hands across the chest or place elbows inside knees, and join your palms like 'Namaskar'. Keep the spine long, chest up, and shoulders relaxed.
  •  # Step 4: Engage the core, and take deep breaths.  Press the elbows into the inner thighs while opening the hips.
  •  # Step 5: Aim to bring the hips close to the ground without rounding the back.
  • # Step6: Hold for several breaths, feeling a stretch in the hips, waist and lower back.
  • # Step 7: Slowly straighten your legs and stand back up.  Make changes with a block under the hips or heels if necessary.
  • # Step 8: Then come into the original position. Repeat this several times.

Exercise regularly to improve flexibility and strength. Practice this asana under the supervision of a yoga expert.


You have learnt here some amazing malasana benefits for women. I hope now you are well aware of malasana asana. Yoga is none other than a scientific way of life that establishes the balance between all parts of the human body. 

The garland pose or Malasana is a yoga pose with many health benefits as stretching the thigh, pelvis region, stomach and spine. Malasana is especially beneficial for women because it helps in PCOS, UI and pelvis region. If you feel uncomfortable while practising malasana, don't delay to consult the doctor.

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