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Economical Crisis in Sri Lanka due to Sharp Fuel Price Hikes.|| Fuel Price Hikes in SriLanka


Economical Crisis in Sri Lanka due to Sharp Fuel Price Hikes.

    Economical Crisis in Sri Lanka due to Sharp Fuel Price Hikes.
    Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

    Economical Crisis in Sri Lanka due to Sharp Fuel Price Hikes. Here we will discuss Fuel Price Hikes which created an economical crisis and affected everyday lives.

    A lot has been going on recently about how the Government's Fuel Hikes are affecting people's everyday lives. 

     There have been reports about people living on just $5 a day, for example.

    There are many fuel price effects that affect the country's everyday lives.

     If the government does not take any measures to reduce the price, it will become an even bigger problem in society.

    The first measure is to create a benchmark fuel price for different types of cars so that drivers can make rational choices on which car is best for them. 

     The second measure is to remove taxes on fuel, and thirdly, to provide incentives for people who own electric vehicles. Economical Crisis

    1. The Current Situation in Sri Lanka.

    The government's decision to increase fuel prices has been a subject of debate and heated discussion amongst the citizens of Sri Lanka. 

      The decision, which was made on January 10th, 2018, was done as a result of the need to reform international petroleum prices. Economical Crisis

    Sri Lanka is heavily dependent on foreign oil imports.


    2. How the Government's Fuel  Hikes is Affecting the Country's Everyday Lives?

    What are the Struggles of Living in Sri Lanka?

    Sri Lanka is developing its economy and has plans to follow in the footsteps of other Asian economies such as Singapore and South Korea.

    The country's unemployment rate is high, and living standards are low in the country. Economical Crisis

     A lack of competition and established markets is inhibiting technological advancements. 

     All these factors have led ti stagnation in the Sri Lankan economy.fuel price hike

    Sri Lanka has seen stagnation in its economic development, which is a result of various factors.

     These include international trade agreements, lack of competition between businesses, lack of competition between businesses, and lack of innovation.

    3. The Current Situation in Sri Lanka.

    The government's decision to increase fuel prices has been a subject of debate and heated discussion amongst the citizens of Sri Lanka. 

    The decision, which was made on January 10th, 2018, was done as a result of the need to reform international petroleum prices. 

    Sri Lanka is heavily dependent on foreign oil imports. Economical Crisis

    4. What Have been the Reasons for the Sharp Fuel Price Hikes?

    The rapid increase in fuel prices has been affecting the ordinary lives of the people, with some families having to make impossible financial decisions on things like food, education and transport. Economical Crisis

    In December 2018, Fuel prices increased by Rs. 1.50 per litre due to the increase in crude oil price, the weakening rupee and the government’s decision to allow a reduction in equity stake for cash-strapped state-run oil companies.

    This has led to an increase in inflation that is currently at 6%. feel price hike in Sri Lanka

    5. How to Reduce the Negative Effects of Fuel Price Hikes

    Overall inflation hit a record 16.8% in January with food prices up 25%.

    The fuel price hike is taking a toll on the country's everyday lives. The government should implement some strategies to make up for the increase in fuel prices and lessen the negative impact.

    6.  Why the Government Decided to Increase Fuel Prices in the First Place?

    The government, in a series of interviews with different media outlets, has been trying to justify its decision for increasing fuel prices. 

    They have been giving their reasons and giving us the general gist of it. Economical Crisis

    "I think this is the first time we are implementing, what we call a market based pricing mechanism," said Mohammed Barkindo, secretary-general of OPEC in an interview with CNBC. 

    "And it's not just us as OPEC that has been advocating what we call market-based pricing mechanisms but it's also the International Energy Agency (IEA), which has also advocated such pricing mechanism."

    The government has pushed back on criticism from citizens by explaining that the price hikes will be followed by lower taxes. Economical Crisis

    Finance Minister Mthuli Nrnal liquidity position was underled by a drop in foreign exchange reserves.

    The standing agency said it'll be delicate for the government to meet its external debt 

    scoresin 2022 and 2023 in the absence of new external backing sources. price kike


    Fitch said Sri Lanka's foreign- exchange reserves have declined important faster than it anticipated, owing to a combination of an advanced education import bill and foreign-currency intervention by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

    7. What Can the Government Do to Tackle this Situation?

    India and Sri Lanka agreed to a four-rounded approach to bandy enterprise on food and energy security to help alleviate Sri Lanka’s profitable extremity, during a two- day visit by Sri Lankan Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa to New Delhi. price hike

    Four-pillar action

    The opinions included a four-pillar action, comprising lines of credit for food, drugs and energy purchases granted by India, a currency exchange agreement to deal with Sri Lanka's balance of payment issues, an "early” modernisation design of the Trinco canvas granges that India has been pursuing for several times, and a Sri Lankan commitment to grease Indian investments in colourful sectors.Economical Crisis

     "It was agreed that modalities to realise these objects would be finalised beforehand, within a mutually agreed timeline,” said a Sri Lankan High Commission statement issued at the end of the visit by Mr Rajapaksa, who met External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman in an unusual “common meeting” on Wednesday. 

    It was also attended by Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to India Milinda Moragoda and Finance Secretary S.R. Attygalle.

    Mr. Jaishankar will meet Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Saturday in Abu Dhabi when they will inaugurate the Indian Ocean Region Conference organised by the India Foundation. Price hike

    8. Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka due to Fuel Crisis

    Advanced Canvas Prices Push Sri Lanka Into Deeper Economic Crisis

    The dire foreign exchange 

    extremity has worsened with the extremity in Eastern Europe, Russia and Ukraine are important requests for Sri Lankan tea and tourism. Price hike

    A Sri Lankan machine worker carries empty holders searching for energy as people gather at an energy pump in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Wednesday, March 2, 2022.

    Sri Lanka’s formerly dire profitable extremity has strengthened as canvas prices hang near $110 a barrel. Economical Crisis

    Vehicles are stranded with empty tanks, power cuts are depriving scholars of study time for examinations, and shopping boardwalk air conditioners are being switched off to conserve energy.

    The South Asian islet nation formerly was so short of hard currency that authorities had confined significance of buses and toxins. 

    It’s now having to scrape into abating reserves to pay for ever more expensive canvas demanded to keep the frugality running.

    Authorities have blazoned intestine power cuts extending up to 71/2 hours a day because they can’t supply enough energy to 

    power stations Hydropower, the other energy dependence, frequently runs short during the dry season. It'll only end with monsoonal rains that generally begin in May. 

    "We can’t find diesel, naphtha, and furnace canvas, all three kinds and thus we've been impelled to go for such an extended power cut,” Sri Lanka’s Public Utilities Commission Chairman Janaka Ratnayake told journalists. Price hike

    Ravindra Mendis, the proprietor of seven-passenger motorcars, said four are lying idle for now due to the energy extremity. Economical Crisis

    “This diesel deficit is a severe difficulty,” Mendis said as he awaited patiently to buy energy at a station in Gampaha city, 24 kilometres north of the capital, Colombo.

    “We're losing profit and time since we've to spend hours staying by long lines to buy 

    diesel,” he said.
    A Sri Lankan machine worker carries empty holders searching for energy as people gather at an energy pump in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Wednesday, March 2, 2022.

    Economical Crisis in Sri Lanka due to Sharp Fuel Price Hikes.
                            Photo by Jill Evans from Pexels

    9. Conclusion

    "The high cost of inputs, ongoing global epidemic and ever more uncertain climatic conditions leave little room for sanguinity about a return to more stable request conditions, indeed in 2022,"says FAO elderly economist Abdolreza Abbassian.

    Meanwhile, back in Colombo, people like Mrs. Dilrukshi, now living on the breadline, are upset that if original prices rise just a little bit further, Economical Crisis it'll be delicate to keep the wood burning in their kitchens at all. Price hike

    While the Rajapakse government is determined to place this financial burden on the millions by pushing up energy costs and the price of rudiments, it demands import sector workers, particularly in the garment assiduity, keep working despite the ongoing swell of COVID-19 infections.

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