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Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda

 Sciatica pain is a chronicle pain and it cannot be cured with conventional medicines. I'll discuss sciatica treatment in Ayurveda in this article. The pain can be subsided only when painkillers are taken. Ayurveda treats the underlying cause of sciatica and offers the holistic treatment of this disease.

Sciatica, a debilitating condition marked by excruciating pain along the sciatic nerve, finds solace in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. This holistic healing system, rooted in India, offers a gentle yet potent approach to sciatica treatment. Ayurvedic remedies prioritize natural healing, aiming to restore balance within the body.

Ayurvedic treatments for sciatica encompass a multifaceted approach. Herbal formulations, like ashwagandha and Guggulu, alleviate inflammation and promote nerve rejuvenation. Therapeutic massages, with herbal oils, target the afflicted area, improving circulation and easing muscular tension. Yoga and specific asanas can enhance flexibility and alleviate compression of the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda

What is Sciatica

Sciatica is a chronic pain, commonly known as lower back pain. The hip, buttocks, and leg are all affected. The greatest sciatic nerve in the body is affected by it. The disease may affect the body severely. The yearly incidence of sciatica ranges from 1% to 5% worldwide. It affects people in their day-to-day activities. The disease can affect one leg or both legs in the worst case.

With enough rest and treatment, sciatica can be cured despite severe pain during this disease. The severity of the disease often leads to leg weakness and bladder or bowel changes and sergical treatment is required.

Sciatica in Ayurveda

Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda treats the individual, not just the symptoms, ensuring long-term relief. Transitioning to sciatica treatment in  Ayurveda can offer a holistic path to recovery, bringing harmony and well-being back into your life.
In Ayurveda, sciatica is mentioned as Gridhrasi which is known as vata vyadhi caused because of aggravation of vata dosha. Symptoms like numbing pain(Toda), pain(Ruk) and stiffness(Stambha) in the lumbosacral region(Kati Pradesh). Up until foot( Paada), it spreads distally to Pristha, Janu, and Jangha. 

According to Arundutta, an Ayurvedic commentator, acute pain occurs while we raise the legs which ultimately restricts the free movement of the legs due to vata dosha in the tendon(kandara). A common test of straight leg raising confirms the diagnosis of sciatica.

Sciatic pain Ayurveda treatments offer a systematic set of treatments. Beginning with Ama pachana which helps to reduce joint inflammation. Secondly elimination of deep-seated toxins from the body(Sodhana) then rejuvenation to the damaged part or cartilages(Brahmana). Abhyanga sweda, Dhanymaladhara, Sarvangadhara, Patra pinda potali sweda, Erandamoola niruha basti – Kshara vasti, Kati vasti, and Ksheera vasti are some Ayurvedic treatments for sciatica available. Internal medications along with the above external medications help to minimize sciatica pain.

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How to Cure Sciatica Permanently?


Lower Back Pain

The buttock, the back of the thigh, and the toe all experience pain.


Either the right side of the body or the lower left can be affected in sciatica. Sciatica pain with numbness in lower limbs or partial numbness in fingers can be experienced. Weakness in the body can also be felt.

Posture Induced Symptoms

Day-to-day activities like walking, standing, bending over, driving a car, working at a computer, catching up on household chores, sneezing or coughing, and other activities can cause sudden and intense pain.
Causes of Sciatica
  • Overweight: Excess weight can increase pressure on the lower back and sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica. This added strain can trigger inflammation and nerve compression, resulting in pain and discomfort. Maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent or alleviate sciatic symptoms.
  • Spinal injury: Spinal injuries, such as herniated discs or compression fractures, can lead to sciatica by exerting pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing pain, numbness, and tingling sensations that radiate down the leg.
  • Herniated disk: A disc that is protruding, causes compression over the sciatic nerve and hence causes sciatica pain.
  • Irregular exercises: Irregular exercises can lead to sciatica by weakening the supporting muscles around the spine and causing imbalances, which can then put pressure on the sciatic nerve, leading to pain and discomfort.
  • Spondylolisthesis: These are conditions that cause misalignment in the spinal canal and that in turn leads to pressure in the conditions where there will be sciatic nerve compression.
  • Sleeping on a soft mattress: Sleeping on a soft mattress can cause sciatica by allowing your spine to sink too deeply, leading to improper alignment and pressure on the sciatic nerve, potentially triggering pain and discomfort.
  • Wearing high heels: Wearing high heels can lead to sciatica as they alter the natural alignment of the spine and increase pressure on the sciatic nerve, potentially causing pain, tingling, or numbness in the lower back and legs.
  • Degenerative disc disease: Over time, the spinal discs experience wear and tear.
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal makes the available space less and leads to sciatica pain.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy can lead to sciatica as the growing uterus puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing pain and discomfort. Hormonal changes and increased weight can also contribute to this common pregnancy-related ailment.

Factors Contributing to Sciatic Nerve Pain

  1. Obesity – As your body weight increases, stress will be increased on the spine which results in changes in the spine and causes sciatic nerve damage.  
  2. Occupation – Occupation plays a vital role in the development of sciatica. Activities like lifting of a heavy object, continuous twists or bends to the back or long drives with heavy loads lead to sciatica.  
  3. Age – There will be changes in the spine as the age increases. As a result, risk factors like herniated disks, bone spurs etc. can be added.
  4. Diabetes – Blood sugar level will be affected in diabetic patients and helps to increase the risk of nerve damage in our body. Although it is considered a very rare case of sciatica.
  5. Pregnancy – Back pain is often caused by pregnancy.
  6. Prolonged sitting –Sitting long hours in the same posture without changing the position can also add to the cause of sciatica.   
People can recover from the disease without treatment with adequate rest. In severe cases, Treatment measures should be adopted if the cases worsen otherwise permanent nerve damage will occur.

Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Management of Sciatica

In Ayurveda, Sciatica, known as Gridhrasi (derived from "Gridhra," meaning Eagle), is characterized by its association with the gait resembling an eagle's walk and the inflamed nerve taking on the appearance of an eagle's beak. Additionally, Sciatica is commonly linked to Vata imbalances.

Furthermore, an impaired digestive system is considered a potential cause of Sciatica. This digestive dysfunction leads to the accumulation of toxins, known as "ama," within the body's minute channels.

To address Sciatica in Ayurveda, a comprehensive approach is employed. Initially, cleansing herbs are administered to eliminate the toxic build-up. Subsequently, digestive herbs are introduced to restore proper digestion. In addition, toning and demulcent herbs, rich in mucilage for soothing and protecting inflamed internal tissue, are prescribed to nourish the nervous system and rebalance bodily energies.
Massage Therapy for Sciatica

Massage therapy offers a holistic approach to alleviate the discomfort associated with Sciatica. This comprehensive guide outlines the key steps involved in utilizing massage therapy as an effective treatment for Sciatica.

Panchakarma Therapy

1. Preparation for Panchakarma: Before the massage therapy begins, the individual is typically prepared through an initial 
2. Consultation with an Ayurvedic practitioner: This consultation helps identify the patient's specific imbalances and needs.

Marma Massage

  1. Abhyanga (Oil Massage): The therapy commences with Abhyanga, a traditional 
  2. Ayurvedic oil massage: Warm medicated oils are gently massaged onto the affected area, promoting relaxation and preparing the body for deeper healing.

Swedana (Steam Therapy): Following Abhyanga, Swedana is administered. The patient is subjected to herbal steam therapy to induce perspiration, further aiding in toxin removal and pain relief.

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Kati Vasti

  • Preparation of Kati Vasti: Kati Vasti is a specialized treatment in which a dough dam is created on the lower back. Warm-medicated oil is poured into this dam, allowing it to penetrate deeply into the affected area.
  • Application of Kati Vasti: The warmed oil is poured onto the lower back and retained within the dam for a specified duration. This localized treatment helps alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and nourish the affected nerves.
Herbal Steam Bath
  1. Selection of Medicinal Herbs: Specific herbal blends are chosen based on the individual's constitution and the severity of Sciatica. These herbs are then prepared for the steam bath.
  2. Herbal Steam Bath Administration: The individual is exposed to the herbal steam bath, which induces perspiration and facilitates the expulsion of toxins from the body. This therapy also enhances the absorption of medicinal properties through the skin.
  3. Post-Treatment Rest: After the herbal steam bath, the patient is encouraged to rest, allowing the body to absorb the therapeutic benefits fully.

Throughout this massage therapy journey, it's essential to maintain open communication with the therapist and follow their guidance regarding post-treatment care and lifestyle adjustments. Regular sessions and a balanced diet can complement massage therapy, helping individuals manage and even overcome the challenges posed by Sciatica.
Lumbar Therapeutic Puncture for Sciatica

Lumbar therapeutic puncture for Sciatica, also known as lumbar puncture or spinal tap, is a medical procedure used to diagnose and treat Sciatica when conservative measures prove ineffective. This intervention involves several sequential steps, beginning with patient preparation.
Firstly, the patient is positioned in a suitable manner, typically lying on their side or sitting hunched over. This positioning ensures proper access to the lumbar region, where the puncture will occur.
Secondly, the area is thoroughly sterilized to minimize the risk of infection. This step is crucial in preventing any potential complications.
Next, a local anaesthetic is administered to numb the puncture site. This not only minimizes pain but also helps the patient remain still during the procedure.
Once the area is adequately numbed, a specialized needle is carefully inserted between the lumbar vertebrae, specifically into the subarachnoid space. This step requires precision to avoid damage to surrounding structures.
Following needle insertion, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may be collected for diagnostic purposes. CSF analysis can help identify any underlying causes of Sciatica, such as infection or inflammation.
After the diagnostic aspect is addressed, therapeutic measures can be taken. Medications, such as corticosteroids or local anaesthetics, can be injected into the subarachnoid space to reduce inflammation and alleviate Sciatica symptoms.
Throughout the procedure, the patient's vital signs and comfort are closely monitored, and any adverse reactions are promptly addressed.

In conclusion, Lumbar therapeutic puncture for Sciatica is a stepwise procedure aimed at diagnosing and treating this condition when other methods fall short. It involves patient preparation, sterilization, local anaesthesia, precise needle insertion, CSF collection, and therapeutic medication administration, all while prioritizing patient safety and comfort.

Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda

Some Simple Home Remedies for Sciatica

Applying medicinal ayurvedic oils like mahanarayana tail or pinda tail—WHICH SHOULD NOT BE MASSAGED—will hasten the healing process by increasing blood flow to wounded areas.
To ease discomfort, apply a warm compress or a salt poultice.
For 15 to 20 minutes, make sure the therapy is warm to the touch.
To increase circulation and lessen muscle spasms, alternate between warm and cold water while taking a bath.
Include superfoods like ginger and turmeric in your diet.

Ayurveda Benefits for Sciatica Pain

 #Ayurvedic massage methods relieve tension while also calming the muscles and nerves.

 #Pain and discomfort can also be reduced by exercise and yoga poses. Yoga will help you gently stretch your joints and soft tissues.

 #Avoid doing the same thing, such as sitting or standing, for a long time.

 #Drink anti-inflammatory beverages including green tea, ginger tea, and turmeric milk.

 #Without requiring surgery, Ayurvedic medicines provide the finest relief from sciatica pain. Get the most effective Ayurvedic treatment by consulting a sciatica pain specialist at Dr Sharda Ayurveda.


In a nutshell, we have learnt that Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to alleviating the debilitating symptoms of sciatica. By harnessing natural remedies and therapies, Ayurvedic practitioners aim to address the root causes of the condition rather than merely managing its symptoms. 
Throughout this exploration, we have discovered that Ayurveda emphasizes personalized treatment plans, incorporating herbal remedies, lifestyle modifications, and specific exercises to enhance overall well-being. 
Moreover, Ayurveda's time-tested principles and therapies underscore its effectiveness in providing relief from sciatica, promoting not only pain reduction but also long-term healing. 
Embracing Ayurveda as a complementary or primary treatment option for sciatica can empower individuals to lead healthier, pain-free lives.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):
Q1. Can sciatica be cured by Ayurveda?
Ans: Ayurveda may help alleviate sciatica symptoms through herbal remedies, therapies, and lifestyle adjustments. However, a complete cure depends on the severity and individual factors. Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance
Q2. What is the fastest way to cure sciatica?
Ans: The fastest way to relieve sciatica pain is through a combination of rest, over-the-counter pain medications, and gentle stretches. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and potential treatments like physical therapy or injections.
Q3.Does walking stop sciatica?
Ans: Walking can help alleviate sciatica symptoms by promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, and stretching the affected area. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive treatment plan.
Q4.What foods to avoid if you have sciatica?
Ans: When you have sciatica, it's best to avoid inflammatory foods like processed meats, sugary snacks, and excessive caffeine. Additionally, steer clear of foods that can contribute to weight gain, as excess weight can worsen sciatic pain.
Q5.What are the top 3 exercises for sciatica?
Ans: Stretching exercises like the hamstring stretch and piriformis stretch can help relieve sciatica pain.
Low-impact activities like swimming or walking promote flexibility.
Core-strengthening exercises, such as bridges and pelvic tilts, provide support to the lower back and alleviate sciatica discomfort.
Q6.What is the main cause of sciatica?
Ans: Sciatica is primarily caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, often due to a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or a bone spur in the spine.
Q7.What is the best position to sleep in with sciatic nerve pain?
Ans: The best sleeping position for sciatic nerve pain is typically on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side with a pillow between your legs to help align your spine and reduce pressure on the nerve.


The diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or cure of any disease is not the intended use of this information. Please seek the advice of a qualified health expert who can thoroughly assess your needs and successfully address them if you have any major acute or chronic health concerns. Please verify the validity of an Ayurvedic expert's credentials if you are seeking medical advice. Only after thorough consultation will the doctor customise any and all Ayurvedic remedies. Depending on a patient's strength, treatments may alter.

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